Nature Gets a Boost!

This fall, we're rolling out Urbi V2, a game-changer in urban indoor gardening.User-friendliness and intuitive design? Always our top priority. Plus, it comes with an upgraded app that literally speaks the language of plants, making gardening not just easy, but super fun.

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What Does the New Product Bring to the Table?

Embrace simplicity and flexibility with our modular design. The upgraded nano soil and gamified app offer a fresh take on urban gardening.

Plant play Station
Plant play Station
No Hydroponics Needed
No Hydroponics Needed
Interactive Community
Interactive Community
10 Plant Slots
10 Plant Slots
Tips, Tricks, Recipes
Tips, Tricks, Recipes

Rapid Prototyping and Development with User Input

Every new feature is shaped by the feedback from our current users. We meticulously compile all your suggestions and ideas, transforming them into our latest product. It's innovation powered by you! πŸš€πŸŒ±πŸ‘₯

About Urbi V1:

Urbi has been a part of thousands of homes and offices worldwide over the past three years. It's had its share of highs and, naturally, room for improvement. That's why this year, we're working hard on its personal evolution – stay tuned for an even better Urbi experience! 🌟🌿🏑

Launch 2024 Timeline πŸš€

Follow the journey of our new smart garden from prototype to Kickstarter/Indiegogo launch. πŸŒ±πŸš€ While this isn't our first hardware, there might be minor tweaks to the timeline. We update timeline on a monthly base! πŸ”„πŸ“…πŸŒΏ.
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